Other Appearances

My non-Southern Queeries Podcast appearances

Have You Head is one of my favorite education podcasts! I was excited to talk to stellar journalist, Jennifer Berkshire.
I’m back talking with Leigh, my inspiring California pal about the gender identity and sexual orientation of Pauli Murray.
I talk with Leigh, my California friend about Pauli Murray’s legal impact on several equality movements of the 20th century. pal about the gender identity and sexual orientation of Pauli Murray.
Leigh keeps putting up with me. We talk about some of the more lesser know LGBTQ people in the Civil Rights movement.
This podcast came about because of June 2020 30 LGBTQ+ people of color posts that I created during the Black Lives Matter protests.
Admittedly, this one was so unexpected. I enjoyed talking to Hannah. They were so patient with my technical difficulties, and it was the first time, someone was interested in me telling my story. I was very nervous.